Pancake Pandemonium

This is my year to head up my service organization’s pancake day where we will raise around 40k to fund children programs in our city. Typically 6,000-7,000 people are fed all the pancakes and sausage they can eat while local bands play for them. Silent auctions are held and this year, a raffle for a 42′ flat screen TV.

I found myself standing in the IHOP parking lot this morning at 4 a.m., waiting for the truck to arrive so we could unload the thousands of dollars of donated product these fine folks give to us so we can raise optimum dollars for the kids. It is my fourth year to arrive in that parking lot at an ungodly hour but I have found I don’t mind it so much as you really have a chance to get to know some of you club members that you may not run around in their circles.

This morning we chatted about hunting, military experience (which was a conversation I didn’t partake in as I have none), politics, the possibility of taxing gun owners, kids, our own children, and assorted other topics as we loaded the trailer full. This afternoon I will be unloading the trailer and again, it will be another time to have more conversations with different people about most subjects.

Saturday will be a day of pandemonium. Starting from 6:30 in the morning and going until 8 p.m. that night, the day will be nothing but serve, clean, serve again, clean some more, serve even more…. you get the picture. My feet are already aching in anticipation of this day but the good news is that after the pandemonium… my time as the “pancake guy” will be just hours from being over. Then… some other person can worry about it although I know I will be back at my spot in the parking lot next year, at 4 a.m., waiting to start the pandemonium all over again.


A couple of years ago I purchased a Sony DSC-V3 which is 7.2 megapixels and has a ton of features. I love the camera because as I get older, I find this style of body allows me to steady my shots better. I still love this camera and find it my definite favorite of all the digital cameras I have owned.

When our local Circuit City went out of business, Twyla purchased a Canon Power Shot, SD1100 IS, an ELPH, which now has the stabilizing feature inside and her 8.0 megapixels are just as sharp and the pictures are as good and maybe even better than the Sony. It is definitely easier to carry around and once again I am thinking that technology has taken us another step forward to eliminate the need for the bigger camera body because now, the little ones take out the shaking.

I guess the issue will still be whether or not you can attach additional lenses. I can with the Sony, although they are hard to find and expensive, but you definitely cannot with the ELPH. Not that I need a good zoom, but when planning a family vacation you tend to start thinking…”hmm, I could go for a really good zoom for those way out there hard to reach shots…”. In reality, I think what we have now is more than adequate but still, a fella gots to dream.

Happy New Year!

On the last day of the most disastrous year of 2008 (at least on the economic front but not in my personal life) I can only wish everyone a better 2009. May this year be an improvement and may this year be full of successes for everyone.

25 Days of Blogging

If American Family Channel can give us 25 days of Christmas movies, I think I should be able to give everyone 25 days of Christmas blogging. The blogs will be about Christmas, but totally random. So with that in mind…

Day 1 – 10 Items You Won’t Find Discounted at a Black Friday Sale…

1. A ton of manure for your yard.
2. Toilet paper.
3. Milk.
4. Preparation H.
5. Herbal enemas.
6. Fungicide creams for athletes foot.
7. Do It Yourself root canal kits.
8. Snot suckers (those bulb thingies you use to suck the snot out of babies).
9. Burial plot plans.
10. Pickled pigs feet.

Well Slap St. Nick and Pass the Egg Nog… I am blank…

My Twyla asked me the other day if I had thought about the Christmas Card Story yet and I was able to smile, nod my head, and say with supreme confidence…” Uh no.”

Quite frankly I am a little dry in the creative department this year so I am opening the floor to suggestions. My criteria are fairly simple. It has to involve Christmas. Preferably there will be a humorous slant to the plot. It helps if the title can be flavored with a clever pun. Oh, not a deal breaker but definitely something to consider, the story has to be a short story that falls within the Neal Hughs Rules of Successful Brevity; the story has to be able to be read in one trip to the bathroom.

There you have it. If you have any ideas, email them to me. My blog email has changed to Also, you can request a card by emailing me your email address or your snail mail address, whichever is your preferred method of delivery.

Just Call Me “Grace”

Walking with my three gals last night, I managed to step off the walking track which gave me inspiration to do a nice pirouette. This was not an easy feat as it required me to step lightly over the leash, maintain my balance so as not to pile drive my face into the grass, while maintaining my dignity amongst the guffaws of my youngest. Twyla, bless her heart, was able to keep a straight face for about 5 seconds as she inquired about my well being.

I didn’t hurt anything but my pride. Wondering if there is a brace I can purchase for such a thing…

So when you posting dude?

My good friend Mike asked me the other day about my lack of posting lately. I know I have been delinquent and I actually have lots to post about. So keep the faith good people, I will be back shortly!

Saving Voice

I love the character I am playing in the play but because I’m using such a gruff voice for him, I have a really sore throat in the morning. Luckily, hot tea and lemon seem to help so I will start my regime of sipping on that every night after practice. I am having a blast! I forgot how much fun this was but there is a downside… it takes a lot of time and that is time away from family. Sigh.

Excerpts from the Awesome Civil War Trivia Book

Two quick questions…

Who served as the captain of the marines during the capture of John Brown at Harper’s Ferry?

Who, as a member of the State Militia, stood guard at the gallows when John Brown was hung?

When you come up with those answers you will shake your head and go, “huh…”

We Made It!

Slvr and I finally got around to reading the cast list and we both made it! I am going to be the Judge and she has the role of a crusading teetotaler. We have our first read through next Monday night so off we go into the acting world again. I am looking forward to doing something fun with Slvr and to get back on the stage as I have a slight case of ham….