So question me an answer, I’ll answer you a question

One of the lesser known musicals ever to be produced was Lost Horizon (1973) starring Peter Finch. The movie was a remake of the 1937 film but with the added twist of the characters singing away happily. The film was a flop but there was a great song in it called Question Me an Answer, I’ll Answer You a Question.

There are days where I totally agree with that philosophy. I have all the answers, just not sure I have all the questions or the right questions at that. As a public service I think I will just toss out a few of the answers and let you figure out the question. It’s all good.

  1. Howard Stern in pink tights.
  2. Twice. Maybe thrice if the conditions were right.
  3. Indecency with a deranged elephant.
  4. Tail lights with salt on them.
  5. Einstein doing meth while juggling theories.
  6. 4 slightly irregular antelope.
  7. A higher ratio of nuts to fruit contained within a vacuum.
  8. Communist frog chunking.
  9. P-38 with racing stripes.
  10. They gargle with earthworms.

Okay, there you go, ten answers… you just have to figure out the ten questions they would answer.